Sunday, March 13, 2016

Spider-Man Comes Swinging Back To The Big Screen!

When you think of truly iconic superheroes, the same few frequently come up, Batman, Superman, Captain America and Spider-Man. When it comes to Spider-Man on the big screen though, for reason it always ended up being a struggle. The early 2000's film trilogy, with Tobey Maguire in the starring role, was relatively well received, with Spider-Man 2 frequently being cited as one of the best comic book films ever made, until Spider-Man 3 was made, and that convoluted mess of a film closed off that trilogy for good.

Now this is where things started to get complicated for Spider-Man. In 2008 Marvel studios released Iron Man and the infamous end credits scene of that movie revealed the over-arching plan the studio had, they were going to assemble the Avengers for a major motion picture after introducing them all in their own solo movies. Most people were hopeful that Spider-Man would be included with this, but unfortunately Marvel had sold the movie rights to the Spider-Man character to Sony. They were in charge of that character and they had other plans. This is where The Amazing Spider-Man comes in. It was released a couple months after The Avengers, and met mostly mediocre views, Sony was attempting to establish a sort of Marvel-esque Spider-Man cinematic universe. After the equally mediocre sequel, the whole plan was cancelled.

Fans were outraged at how Sony was handling their favorite wall-crawler. Then came the Marvel announcement that the third Captain America film would be an adaptation of the Civil War storyline from the comics. There was just one issue, Spider-Man was a major player in those comics. It would be next to impossible to adapt this to the big screen without him. Then came the next major announcement which caused fans to rejoice; Sony Entertainment and Marvel Studios reached an agreement to use Spider-Man in their films. It was confirmed that Spider-Man will make his first Marvel film appearance in the Civil War movie.

After months and months of waiting, it wasn't until this past week, in the final few seconds of the new Civil War trailer, that fans got what they had been waiting for, a look at the new Spider-Man.
It was for just a few seconds, but it gave us fans something to dissect and breakdown. It gave us the first look at the route they are going with Spider-Man, Tom Holland is going to be playing Peter Parker, but at the high school level. This separates him from the previous incarnations of the character, as they were more at the college level. This will give us a younger, more immature Spider-Man, something we haven't seen yet.

This reveal was definitely a power play by Marvel. With Batman v Superman coming out in a couple weeks, it's up to Marvel to really market their big Superhero fight film itself. Showing the highly anticipated Spider-Man can help them take attention away from their rival film. It gives the fans something they've been waiting for, and for the casual moviegoer the ending to the trailer can take them by complete surprise and generate that much more hype for the movie. 

I really have to applaud both Marvel and Sony for coming to this agreement and looking towards the greater good of their films and really trying to please the fans. This is a massive move and with how fractured some of Marvels greatest heroes have become on the big screen thanks to different companies owning different characters (looking right at you Fox, hogging the X-Men and Fantastic Four), this gives hope that someday we will be able to go and see Spider-Man fight alongside Hulk, Thor, Captain America and maybe even Wolverine or the Fantastic Four. I'm beyond excited and I can't wait to see Spidey swing his way into the fight between Captain America and Iron Man on May 6th!

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